Las Pisadas
Las Pisadas is a Vino de Municipio made from Tempranillo grapes that boasts a fruit-filled character. The category of Vino de Municipio highlights the characteristics of the land, climate, and culture of a specific municipality, in this case the town of Labastida. This wine pays homage to Labastida’s winemaking heritage focusing on typicity, terroir, and elegance. It particularly emphasizes its ancestral winegrowing legacy that left its indelible mark in the lagares or stone winepresses that are carved into the rocky mountainside.

Las Pisadas is made from traditional 25 to 50-year-old, goblet pruned vines harvested by hand. The vines are planted at altitudes ranging from 420 to 650 metres above sea level in three different zones within the municipality of Labastida.
DOCa Rioja
DOCa RIOJA is the oldest DO in Spain (1925) and the first to obtain the distinction of Calificada (1991). This extraordinary region is full of modest yet epic stories, however, despite its long history and international fame, it has stayed true to itself and its origins. La Rioja is located in the north of Spain on both sides of the river Ebro and is divided into three large zones: Rioja Alta, Rioja Alavesa, and Rioja Oriental. In more than 65,000 hectares, its towns and vineyards have developed their own singular personality to make La Rioja the unique region it is today.