Imagen cata de vinos y quesos

Visit with wine and cheese pairing

Discover Familia Torres through a pairing of affinity and contrast: wines and cheeses. 

33,00 €
    General Info

    Four wines, four cheeses. Brie-style, medium-aged, aged and blue cheeses seek their perfect match in similarity and contrast pairings with wines from our winery.

    Discover the winemaking heritage of the Familia Torres with an experience built on two cornerstones of Mediterranean gastronomy: wine and cheese.


    • Visit to Mas La Plana vineyard
    • Visit to Waltraud Cellar
    • Pairing of 4 wines and 4 artisan cheeses
    • Wine Educator throughout the tour

    Duration: 2h


    • Adult: 31€

    • Children aged 7-17: 24€ (Grape juice and cheeses included)

    • Children aged 0-7: free entrance (Grape juice included)


    Saturdays at 12.30pm in spanish

    Sundays at 11.45am in catalan

    For weekday visits, or groups of more than 20 people, contact the reservations department: / 938177330.

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